Super séniors

Silver Servers

Dimanche 17 mars à 20h40

1h 37min | Documentaire
De Dan Lobb
| Par Dan Lobb

Quatre « Super Seniors » âgés de 82 à 95 ans se préparent pour les Championnats du monde de la Fédération Internationale de Tennis. Parmi eux se trouvent une Française et le joueur le plus âgé au monde. Ils veulent vivre pleinement leur vie, frappant des balles et gagnant des matchs. Des personnages hauts en couleurs nous prouvent que le jeu… est la vie.

Silver Servers tells the story of four “Super Senior” tennis players – Leonid (95), Etty (82), King (85) and John (87) – as they descend on the latest International Tennis Federation Senior World Championship. They might be in their 80s and 90s, but hell, they still want to win – and live life to the full, cherishing their final few years on the court, hitting balls and winning matches. A fun, colorful, inspiring, audience-facing feature documentary, four very different characters show us what drives them to keep on playing and competing, and thereby help us realize what’s possible in our own lives, whatever age we’re at – and what joy there is in keeping on going.